SkyTOP DemosCAD®

DemosCAD® is a software program that lets students and professionals in

Engineering, Architecture, Design, and Surveying to work with AutoCAD

like experts.

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SkyTOP DemosCAD®

DemosCAD® is a software program that lets students and professionals in Engineering, Architecture, Design, and Surveying to work with AutoCAD like experts.

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Who needs DemosCAD® ?


Use of DemosCAD in learning AutoCAD shortens the learning curve making you get relevant skills for the job market within a short period of time.


As a Professional,  DemosCAD is a faster way to improve your AutoCAD skills. Enhanced AutoCAD skills enables you to give more quality designs.


DemosCAD in institutions, will encourage self-training to students in practicals which equips the graduate with relevant AutoCAD skills.


DemosCAD® Construct
DemosCAD Construct is an integrated platform through which trainers and students in institutions of higher learning share knowledge and skills on how projects are carried out in AutoCAD and in real life situations. The benefits for both University students and lecturers are outlined below.


Upload design projects and related training notes.

Upload design assignments and projects for access by your students.

Retrieve completed assignments from students.

Familiarise yourself with new AutoCAD features useful in preparing design projects.

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DemosCAD is a skills based application built around Autodesk AutoCAD software to equip potential and current users of the software with skills that let them realize their design ideas.

Clicking the Command Tutorials tab in DemosCAD opens up tutorials which show a user how the command tool is used with other AutoCAD tools in a project. This lets you learn how to work with the tool to carry out a design project that requires the use of multiple AutoCAD command tools.
DemosCAD also has a Project Tutorials tab that lets you access inspirational tutorials showing how AutoCAD is used with other Autodesk software products to carry out various fascinating tasks by design professionals in the industry.
Just like in AutoCAD, DemosCAD has an AutoComplete command feature that lets you easily access AutoCAD commands that you wish to view their demonstrations.
Similar Interface to that of AutoCAD making it easy to replicate a design from the demonstration. When you click on any command tool in DemosCAD, it instantly demonstrates how to carry out a task with that tool in Autodesk AutoCAD software
Each of the tools in DemosCAD contains a project file that is linked to Autodesk AutoCAD software so that users may try out similar tasks with AutoCAD software.

DemosCAD LT is a skills based application built around Autodesk AutoCAD software to equip high school students interested in pursuing technical courses such as Architecture, Design, or Engineering with AutoCAD skills that are now critical for those who join University to pursue those courses

The Interface is similar to that of Autodesk AutoCAD software and let students utilize the tools of Autodesk AutoCAD software without getting stranded.


While the tools in Autodesk AutoCAD execute design commands, similar tools in DemosCAD LT execute demo command tasks.

Project Demos
DemosCAD LT also contains sample tutorials on how to carry out design projects using multiple Autodesk AutoCAD tools and commands.
DemosCAD LT also enable students to Send a controlled copy of their drawing to fellow students to access wherever they are.

DemosCAD LT also contains a feature for drawing history which enables students to compare past and present versions of the drawing evolution easily

How DemosCAD® Works ?
How to use DemosCAD® 

Steps to easily maneuver around the DemosCAD application:

DemosCAD software
To understand the interface of Autodesk AutoCAD software, click on the Resources menu in SkyTOP DemosCAD software and select AutoCAD Interface. This displays tutorial options that describe the entire interface of AutoCAD interface in order to get you started with AutoCAD software.
Salient Features
Introduction Clip for DemosCAD
It’s a video clip that shows the features of DemosCAD software. It also inspires design professionals to use AutoCAD by showcasing the many things that can be done using AutoCAD software.


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Why DemosCAD

DemosCAD® shows you how to use the tools of AutoCAD




Product Design

Product Design

Civil Engineer

Civil Engineer



Electrical & Electronics

Electrical & Electronics


Meet Julie

Julie is a second year university student studying Architecture. She aspires to be a highly skilled architect working in one of the best architectural firms or construction companies. She loves design and desires to create prestigious designs that will make her future clients happy, allow her to stay ahead of her competition and that her employers will be proud of.

Julie has just been introduced to AutoCAD as a unit within her course but there are just too many tools for her to be taught in class.

What should Julie do?

Julie can watch demo videos to understand how to use AutoCAD tools to create architectural designs.

Julie could also access inspirational tutorials showing how AutoCAD is used with other Autodesk software products to create fascinating architectural tasks

She could see fascinating works created using AutoCAD software giving users a glimpse of what they can do with it and other AutoDesk software

About DemosCAD

DemosCAD is a software development and solutions company creating solutions for Autodesk based Software.

Get in Touch

3rd Floor Westlands Business Park,
Chiromo Lane, Westlands
P.O. Box 13587-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.


+254 705 316 145
+254 705 313 889