DemosCAD® has a similar interface to Autodesk AutoCAD. Just like Autocad, DemosCAD has an auto-complete command feature that lets you easily access AutoCAD commands. Once you type in the command, DemosCAD completes the commands for you even as it demonstrates how the command is used to carry out a task in Autodesk software.
SkyTOP DemosCAD® is a skills-based demostration software application that helps users to master all the tools and commands in AutoCAD software products. It's built around Autodesk AutoCAD Software, with demostration and text Overview Explanation in form of pdf for easy understanding of each tool & command. It has Project Files in form dwg. for users' practice and also comes with project-based Visual Resources for Comprehensive understanding by the user.
Not only does SkyTOP DemosCAD® act as a demonstration software, but also as a reference application for easy use of AutoCAD Software. Thus, it can be used by every AutoCAD user right from Beginners to Professionals.