CEO’s Speech during the Official Launch of SkyTOP Construct.
(Nairobi, Kenya)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today, the 8th day of July 2024, marks a new dawn for Kenya, a new definition of Africa, and a day of pride for every African man and woman in the world. Today marks the beginning of a rejuvenated Kenya, a transformed Africa, and more importantly, a truly liberated Blackman and woman.
Today, I am proud to present to you the technology that will transform the lives of many people- both young and old- here in Africa and beyond and catapult our great Country Kenya, to the levels of the Tiger Countries; Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Today, I present to you the technology that liberates men and women with great ideas to transform our Continent into the economic giant that it was created to be. The men and women with big brains who will turn every raw material that Africa has into quality products that the world desperately needs. I am talking about vehicles, computers, smartphones, Medical equipment, television sets, etc. These are things that we pay dearly to import.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to give you SkyTOP CONSTRUCT- the technology that revolutionizes the way we acquire skills and knowledge. The technology that automates the dissemination and sharing of knowledge and skills in training institutions and the industry across the globe. As per its name, it's ‘The University of Creating Things’.
This technology taps the men and women willing to share their knowledge and skills with those who require those attributes and competencies to create industries. In all cases, there are corresponding rewards for all players embracing the SkyTOP Construct technology;
- Knowledge and skills will be shared,
- Money will flow in all directions, and
- Great industries will be built across the breadth and width of our great continent.
In this continent of ours, we have great brains; automotive engineers, mechatronic engineers, internationally recognized architects, and highly qualified civil and structural engineers. We have all these brilliant minds that any economy requires to develop.
Yet we import almost everything technological; motor vehicles, computers, smartphones, television sets, machinery, construction equipment, medical equipment, etc. These are high-value products that drain our forex reserves. Even many landmark buildings and superhighways in our great continent are designed and built by foreigners as our local experts play subordinate roles. So unfortunate. Thanks to SkyTOP CONSTRUCT technology, this will change today.
Through this AI-driven technology, construction experts such as architects, designers, engineers and quantity surveyors will be earning from the projects they publish on the SkyTOP Construct Platform for knowledge purposes. Many players in the construction sector around the world require that knowledge to earn their livelihoods or start industries.
Our technicians from the TVET institutions are not left out. Once they share their skills through the SkyTOP Platform, they will also keep earning. Those wishing to start product maintenance businesses in their locality will only need to sign up on SkyTOP Construct and acquire the relevant skills for repair and maintenance businesses.
Meanwhile, as our youth keep earning through such activities and ventures, our engineers will be busy designing concept cars, computers, smartphones, and television sets through the SkyTOP CONSTRUCT PLATFORM. They will then publish their products design under the CAD/BIM Project Category of the Platform for knowledge purposes. The industry can then pick up these designs for production purposes.
Ladies and gentlemen, almost every country in Africa has vast natural resources and raw materials required in the manufacture of these high-end products. Many opportunities are beckoning.
Internationally, manufacturers of these products that we import and pay so dearly for only need to publish their products’ maintenance manuals on the platform for use by technicians around the world. These technicians will then use the SkyTOP Construct Platform to acquire relevant skills upon which they will start their maintenance businesses.
As a Pan Africanist, I challenge our leaders under the African Union, including our very own President William Ruto, to push the agenda of uniting Africans by urging their respective citizens to work as one team in the conceptualization of these groundbreaking projects once published on the SkyTOP CONSTRUCT PLATFORM.
In such a scenario for example, in the manufacture of a branded African car;
- South Africa- with its vast mineral resources- may focus on manufacturing the car’s engine and gearbox,
- Nigeria may focus on the mechatronics aspects of the car,
- Kenya can produce the chassis and the main body of the car
- Egypt may focus on the vehicle’s interior furnishings.
- Other African countries may focus on providing the required raw materials.
- And the African Development Bank should live up to its mandate and fund the project.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us fold up our sleeves, and embark on this journey of transforming Africa. It's a heavy task, but the results will be exciting and rewarding for Africa. Joining hands with the eminent people who share this vision, I will be moving around the country and the world driving this agenda.
To our banks and financial institutions, I urge you to play your patriotic role by providing the necessary funding to the men and women who approach you with viable projects and business plans developed through the SkyTOP Construct Platform. The returns are guaranteed.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to now announce that SkyTOP Construct is officially launched today 8th day of July 2024. Being a global technology, it is accessible worldwide.
Viva Africa!
Thank you.